Thanksgiving Trip To Cali

IMG_1052I went to Cali for Thanksgiving, which is old news… What isn’t old news is that I didn’t get my real camera out once… Yikes. I took a few iPhone photos but not many.

Why you ask? There is a time and place that taking photos to remember the moment forever is good. But this trip I really just wanted to be present. I wanted to enjoy the moments without worrying about capturing it on camera. So that’s what I did.

The result?? A really good trip. I spent a lot of time with my family. I spent time with friends. I felt the Lord’s hand all over the trip and had a really good time.

I’d say I succeeded at being present and enjoying the moments. I bet I’ll be trying it more often!


I got to go to California for thanksgiving again this year! And as I have been mulling around a blog post about my trip in my head I realized I could pretty much cut and paste all three of my posts from last year about thanksgiving (with a few minor details changed)… So because I want to post something new and not a repeat here is what I came up with….

Things To Do To Make The Most Of Your Time In California:

1. Get covered in dog hair and slobber from the cutest dogs ever!


This literally happened in a span of 1 minute

2. Eat In’N’Out!IMG_5260


4. Hang out with you best friend multiple times!IMG_3551IMG_3580IMG_3587IMG_3588

5. Eat your fill of Tillamook Ice Cream since they don’t sell it in Texas!IMG_5151

6. Hang out with other awesome people that you know! Not pictured because I’m forgetful

7. Take a trip down memory lane. Meaning go through your photo-box and letter-box and find awesome stuff!image

What’s Gonna Work?? Teamwork!!!!

A couple of nights ago Lydia and I decided it was time to put up our fall decorations on the mantle. It probably would have been done earlier but we did not have a chance to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving this year. So we finally got around to it this week. I’d say it was a team effort this time more than ever before. I threw some ideas into the mix and we each worked on the banner we hung. We took a play from the wonder pets… Are they even still around?

Anywho… Here is our fall mantle this yearIMG_3525Now before you get in a tizzy saying it’s not even Halloween yet why do you have a Happy Thanksgiving sign up… Fear not… Because tonight we carved our pumpkins…. It’s been awhile since I’ve carved a pumpkin. I carved one my first year here in Texas, and haven’t done one since. I used to do it every year. My best friends family always has a pumpkin carving party. And let me tell you there are some pretty good pumpkins that come out of it every year! I sure miss going to those parties and carving pumpkins with her and her fam bam.

But Lydia and I had our own party this year. And while her’s wins for nicest looking, mine wins for the most fun!IMG_3533




Little Bit Of Weekend Goodness…

Happy Monday everyone!! Today is day 1 of a 3 day work week. How exciting! The only bummer is that I won’t be taking lunches this week so I won’t get to read a whole lot… Major bummer… But the reason for not taking lunches makes it a little better…. It’s so that I can leave early on Wednesday to head to the airport! Which is pretty exciting if you ask me!

So I wanted to share with you a little piece of my weekend… You ready for it???? Alright here goes…Yup that’s right, I bought some cowboy boots!!! (Well technically my parents are buying them for me as my Christmas present!) Aren’t they cute? I think so! And I just love them!

And now back to that airport I was talking about… Why will I be going to the airport in 2 days?? Well I’m so glad you asked… Because I’m going to California for Thanksgiving! You probably all knew that, but that’s ok! And if you are reading this, live in my hometown, and would like to hang out while I’m there, let me know so we can plan a time!

I.G.I.B #6

Why hello there! It’s Wednesday! And that means it’s “I Guess I’m Blessed” with Stormy Normy time!! As always feel free to join us by leaving a link to your post in the comments!

This week I’m changing up my style a bit. I’m going “I Guess I’m Blessed” Wordless Wednesday style. I’m going to let the pictures do the talking about the things I’m thankful/grateful for, or blessed by. So without further ado…

What can I say…. I Guess I’m Blessed!

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

Holla! It’s Canadian Thanksgiving! And oh how I wish I had the day off so I could be making turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, bread, and gravy! But all that will have to wait until the 27th! I know that’s real late to be celebrating… But life is busy at the moment so it will have to do!

So remember on Friday I talked about Sanctus Real’s new song “Promises”?? Well…. I just found out this morning that their new album is called “Run” and will be out on February 5th, 2013!!!! Pretty stinkin’ excited about that! Can’t wait for their new stuff!

Also remember on Friday that I talked about a long ol’ nap I was going to take on the beach? Well it was only a short nap but it was still so nice! I wish all y’all had been at there with us on Saturday. It was GLORIOUS!! Like for reals! It was around 85ish with a light breeze. The water nice and cool, not cold but not bath water warm. It was a perfect temperature! No dead fish, no seaweed. Just beautiful!!