19 Is The Number!

In honor of it being 19 DAYS UNTIL ST. PATRICK’S DAY, I decided I would do a list of 19 random and possibly unrelated things or facts today! So here goes!

1. 19 was one of my soccer numbers. 14 was my favorite number but when I joined my first travel team (Bullard Magic) in 7th grade a girl already had that number, so I went with 19 instead. And on the rest of the teams I was on if I wasn’t #14, I was #19.

2. I have 2 days left to use a whole lot of data on my phone… So I’m going to be listening to Pandora all day long! I chose the spice girls station and the first two songs were Backstreet Boys songs… It’s going to be a good day!

3. I probably am not going to catch up on the bachelor. Because rumor has it they chose the runner-up as the next bachelorette. And I know that if I catch up I’ll like the girl and then want to watch the bachelorette next season.. And I don’t want that… So I letting it fall by the wayside!

4. I am getting my hair cut a week from tomorrow! Finally… It’s been since September since I cut it… yikes

5. Last night I had my quickest target trip ever… I went in and went straight to the laundry detergent aisle. Got my soap and softener, then went to the aisle that had Spanish rice, picked up a few boxes and then went straight to the check-out line… No dilly-dallying or looking around… It was quite a sad trip…

6. I’m really excited to start wearing my St. Patrick’s Day shoes!

7. I’ve been really good at getting 8 hours of sleep at night for the past week and a half or so… It’s been awesome!

8. I really want to be curled up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket over me reading a book right now… Preferably with a cup of ande’s mint hocho! Not because it’s cold or rainy, just because it sounds soo good!

9. Wannabe is playing on the Spice Girls station now… I’m having a really hard time not belting it out! Calm down Juliann, Calm down!

10. I just realized I forgot my sprite in the fridge at home.. I was totally looking forward to drinking it too!… I might have to go downstairs to the deli and get a soda.

11. I really really really want a Fudrucker’s grilled cheese… Like real bad… But I have to wait till Friday…

12. Spell check says that my name is spelled wrong… What do they know? Nothing! They are like my 9th grade english teacher before I transferred to a different teacher. She insisted my name was Julian (like the boy name where the “an” sounds like in) unless I had an e at the end… I could not be Juliann without the e… Umm pretty sure ann says Ann!

13. Apparently I’m feeling a little sassy…

14. This is my favorite number… It’s just so pretty!

15. I seriously can’t believe that February is almost over…. already… It’s crazy…

16. I leave for California in 43 days! Yahoo! This also means I get to see my best friend in 43 days! And then my fam bam in 44 days! And Wendi and her girls probably in 44 days as well!

17. I want to go to the beach! Like yesterday…

18. I should have washed my hair this morning… But I didn’t feel like it… So I just put it in a pony tail and called it good… 🙂

19. It is 19 Days Until St. Patrick’s Day! We are in the teens peeps!